Monday, May 4, 2009

Easter 2009

Last year at Easter I took the boys to The Picture People and had their very first professional photo session. We got some pretty decent pictures out of the session, and even bought some of them. The one below is what I considered to be our "Easter Photo".

Matthew - Left, Nicholas - Right

I had every intention of taking them back to The Picture People, maybe even recreating the shot above, and getting an Easter Photo for 2009. Yeah, that did not happen. Dan and I have both gotten very involved in our church especially over the last year. I found myself spending a lot of time working on various tasks for our church's Easter service/outreach event, and I just couldn't seem to make the time to get it done. Between Dan's travel schedule, meetings at church, shopping for the Easter service, and volunteering at the food bank, I was happy just getting to take the boys to the park! I had no interest in carving out space in our very tight schedule to drive across town for photos.

Thankfully my dad was able to get a few shots of the boys in their Easter outfits, and he even got them on Easter Sunday. Here are just a few of the pictures of our sweet boys.



Not back to back, but side by side. And smiling to boot! There's
not much more that you can ask from two year olds!
Can you guess which one is which? I'll tell you another day! :-)

Happy Easter 2009. Yes, a bit late, but I don't mind. I'm getting used to being late.


Just Fucking Great...ful said...

I am glad you had a happy Easter. I think it's wonderful what you are doing with Grace. :)

Beth said...

You and Dan are awesome. Thank you for the marvelous ways you serve. I know that it costs you...I also know that it is worth it!!! Love you!

Unknown said...

AWE.. so cute!! we should do some fam photos as we get closer to Christmas!! :) Cute Boys!!! :)

Triplets07 said...

I love the picture of them together:)
My guess is Nicholas-left, Matthew-right

Shana said...

Life just gets too hectic, I hear you! Love the Easter pics of the boys and personally, I think they are just as cute as professional pics.

Melissa said...

They are too cute! Hope you had a great Mother's Day! :)